Sony's Motion Control

By Phi
Current gen consoles are all about motion control, Wii's entire structure is based off of motion control but its for children and the accuracy is only sub-par; Microsoft's new Project Natal is attempting to lose the controller all together; in my opinion i think that it's always more fun with physical controllers and an option of motion control. Sony's sixaxis has motion control and it seems most people don't know it AND was not just tacked on, anyhow sony's new motion control is real 1:1 movement and is beyond anything nintendo is doing just check it out:

for good measure let me throw in Microsoft's Project: Natal

notice the disclaimer at the beginning and notice how microsoft's stuff is mostly conceptual and there's no real practice or demo, just video with alot of fancy editing. can i also mention that playstation's eye toy already did this in 2003? this is Natal's a mere upgrade with current gen consoles not really any new technology just improved on existing tech.

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